L o a d i n g
Real World Cases


Staying on top of the latest frontend technologies is my thing. From React and Vue.js to CSS Grid and animations, I leverage the best tools to create dynamic and interactive websites.


Below is an example of how you can create a React component to perform GET and POST API requests using the Axios library. Axios is a popular library for making HTTP requests in JavaScript and is commonly used with React applications.

  • This component, ApiExample, demonstrates how to make GET and POST API requests. Replace the API endpoints and data with your own. The fetched data is stored in the data state variable and displayed on the component.


Below is a Vue 3 component that demonstrates how to perform GET and POST API requests using the Axios library.

  • This Vue 3 component provides buttons to trigger GET and POST requests, and it displays the fetched data.


Below is an example of an Angular component that demonstrates how to perform GET and POST API requests using Angular's HttpClient.

  • This Angular component provides methods to trigger GET and POST requests and displays the responses.


Here's an example in TypeScript that demonstrates how to create an interface and define data types using that interface.

Here's an example in TypeScript using < types > symbols for type parameters with data types

In TypeScript, you can use various class types and data modifiers. Here's a list of common ones and their meanings with examples.

  • This Angular component provides methods to trigger GET and POST requests and displays the responses.


Streamlit is a Python library that allows you to create web applications with minimal effort. Here's a simple example of a Streamlit app that displays a basic web page with some text and a plot:


Unit Test

Here's an example of a Jest unit test for a frontend component that fetches data from an API using mock data. In this example, we'll create a simple React component that displays user data and test it using Jest with mock API data.

First, let's create a simple React component

Now, let's create a Jest unit test for this component using mock API data


Three Must-Knows for Frontend Development

Responsive Design: The Heart of User-Centricity

Responsive design is non-negotiable. Understanding how to create web applications that adapt seamlessly to various screen sizes is essential. Users expect a consistent experience whether they're on a phone, tablet, or desktop.

Performance Optimization: Speed Matters

Performance is key. Slow-loading websites frustrate users and hurt your rankings. Dive into techniques like lazy loading, code splitting, and optimizing images to keep your web pages snappy.

Cross-Browser Compatibility: Make It Work Everywhere

Frontend development is all about crafting beautiful, functional, and performant user interfaces. Testing ensures that your hard work pays off, delivering a top-notch experience to your users.

Have a project in mind? Let’s get to work.