L o a d i n g
Dev Ops

Test & CI/CD

Bridging the Gap: How DevOps Transformed My Development Workflow


You can use a Makefile to orchestrate the build process of a project with a React frontend, Node.js backend, and Python backend, and create a make start target for starting your project.

  • In this Makefile:
    1. REACT_BUILD, NODE_START, and PYTHON_START define the build and start commands for each component.
    2. The all target combines the build and start process.
    3. The build target builds the React frontend.
    4. The start target starts both the Node.js and Python backends.
    5. start-node and start-python start each backend separately.
    6. The clean target can be used for cleaning up.
    To use this Makefile:
    1. Place it in your project's root directory.
    2. In the frontend directory, ensure you have a package.json with build scripts.
    3. In the backend directory, have your Node.js and Python server scripts (server.js and app.py, for example).
    4. Run make to build and start all components.
    5. Run make start to start both backends.
    6. Run make clean to clean up generated files (you can add appropriate clean commands in the Makefile).

Bash Setup Env

This script sets up the development environment for the project. You can use it to install dependencies for both the Node.js and Python backends and the React frontend.

  • clean-environment.sh: This script can be used to clean up your project, e.g., removing generated files, stopping running processes, or cleaning up dependencies. Customize it as per your needs.


To deploy a full-stack web application with React frontend, Node.js backend, and Python backend using Docker containers and host it on AWS, you can follow these steps and create the necessary Docker and deployment scripts

Prepare Your Application

Make sure your web application is structured with separate directories for the frontend (React), Node.js backend, and Python backend. You should also have your AWS credentials configured for deployment.

Dockerize Each Component

React Frontend:
  • Create a Dockerfile in the React frontend directory.
  • Use a base Node.js image.
  • Copy the frontend code into the container.
  • Build the React app within the Dockerfile.

Node.js Backend

  • Create a Dockerfile in the Node.js backend directory.
  • Use a base Node.js image.
  • Copy the backend code into the container.
  • Set the start command for your Node.js app.

Python Backend

  • Create a Dockerfile in the Python backend directory.
  • Use a base Python image.
  • Copy the backend code into the container.
  • Set the start command for your Python app.

Docker Compose

  • Create a docker-compose.yml file in your project's root directory to define the services, including React, Node.js, and Python backends, and any database services you might need.

  • AWS Setup below


AWS Deployment

Automation is the heart of DevOps. From CI/CD pipelines to auto-scaling, automation streamlines workflows, reduces errors, and accelerates releases.

  • Configure your AWS environment, including setting up an EC2 instance, security groups, and key pairs.
  • Upload your Docker images to a container registry like Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR).
  • Create a task definition and a service in Amazon ECS to run your containers on AWS.
  • Set up an Application Load Balancer (ALB) to route traffic to the ECS service.

Three must-know areas for DevOps

Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

CI/CD is the backbone of DevOps. Understanding how to create automated pipelines for building, testing, and deploying applications is essential. This includes knowledge of tools like Jenkins, Git, and Docker.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

IaC involves managing and provisioning infrastructure using code. Tools like Terraform and Ansible are crucial for automating infrastructure tasks, enabling efficient scaling and version control.

Monitoring and Observability

DevOps engineers should know how to monitor applications and infrastructure effectively. Tools like Prometheus and Grafana help collect and visualize data to identify issues proactively.

Have a project in mind? Let’s get to work.